Monday, August 31, 2015

New album, new journey - Listen, Feel & Wonder Tour 2015

Join me on this journey, anyone who loves music, talking about life, art, our journey through life.

Follow on

See you there!

Friday, February 13, 2015

White Dandelions Live Recording - Nikki Forova

During a hard time and a soul searching time I  this song. It seemed to me that most of us go through this journey in life of giving up on something we love after so many falls the resignation happens and we give up. But then we realize through the years we feel the urge to feel, to express, to sing, to dance, to do whatever it is that we loved most and that hurt us most too.

We're at best when we stay true to what we love, and when we are with who we love. That's when we shimmer and sparkle and our spirit unshrievels, opens up and becomes big and expansive.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

My new video on the subject of our existence, creation and choices we can and cannot make just came out. It's called Little Green Piece of Life. We are born into the world without choosing to be born, that's one thing that we for sure can't influence, but we can influence our own lives once we are here. We are born pure and unaffected and then we face life, life that has existed and been influenced by history for millions of years. We reach out faithfully towards the sun, out of the womb and into the world, not knowing what awaits us because this is just part of us, part of our creation.

Enjoy :)

With love,

Monday, December 19, 2011



have you ever heard my song about the Skywriter? any of you that love the sky, flight, and just unordinary things and romantic things would most likely melt listening to it ;)

or youtube:

happy happy holidays! and lots of love